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Bringing Dorking Together

Bringing Dorking Together

Rob Chave23 Apr 2021 - 15:36

A new reciprocal membership between the three clubs to encourage participation in sport across Dorking.

Hi everyone,

I hope you are all doing well and finally enjoying some sunshine.

The cricket season is here and league matches only 8 days away, our first colts Friday night starts tonight!

I would like to make you all aware a new reciprocal working relationship to expand our community outreach with Dorking Rugby Club and Dorkinians Football Club.

At the end of 2020 we met with Alex Wills (Dorkinians FC Vice Chairman), Armand Roux (Dorking RFC Director of Rugby) and Shaun Hammond (Dorking RFC Chairman) to start shaping a relationship between all three clubs in how we can benefit each other in the future.

With both clubs moving forwards at Pixham, and Dorking RFC only furthering its reputation by building one of the best (if not the best!) rehab and performance facilities for an amateur club in the country, it can only be that all three clubs could benefit from working together to create a hub for sport participation for Dorking.

Whilst we may not know where this will take us yet, there is certainly celebrations to be had in 2021 with Dorking CC’s 250th year, Dorking RFC’s 100th year and Dorkinians FC celebrating their 90th year in 2020.

The three clubs have a unique history: Dorking CC originally played their matches on Cotmandene before a move to Pixham in the 1800’s. Then in 1921 and 1930, the rugby and football clubs, respectively, joined the cricket club at Pixham. Teams changed at the Star and Garter Pub at the top of Lincoln Road and Dorking’s hub for sport at Pixham continued until the rugby club moved to Brockham in 1972.

Between the 3 clubs we have provided 440 years of sport in Dorking and currently share 1500 youth players and participating in community sport between us.

What’s on offer?
As a start to the relationship Dorking CC, Dorking RFC and Dorkinians FC will be offering 5 free matches or training sessions to any paid up playing member of another club so they can play a little first, to ensure they enjoy it before committing to it further.

So spread the word that there are 5 games of cricket available this summer for playing members of DFC and DRFC!

Further, any fully paid playing member of DFC and DRFC will automatically become a social member of Dorking CC!

We’d also love for any social member of DRFC and DFC to come and have a drink in the summer sun with us at Pixham and become a social member.

Social: £20
Family Social: £30

For any membership enquiries contact:

Dorking RFC - Nick Smith -
Dorking CC – Chris Pike –
Dorkinian FC – Richard Stanbridge -


On Sunday 20th June all are invited as Dorking Cricket Club will play cricket against Dorking Rugby Club at Pixham for a 250th and 100th anniversary match. All will be welcome to attend and watch the rugby boys restrain themselves from tackling anyone. Timings will be shared closer to the time. (I believe we declined playing rugby against us the week after ;-))

All the best,

Further reading