Club Work Day

Club Work Day

Monday 17 April 2017
10:00 - 17:00
Chris Pike
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We have officially entered Spring and double digits of celsius! This can only mean one thing… the cricket season is upon us.

The handover from the football club is to take place on Easter Monday, 17th April. This is to allow as many people as possible to take part.

The continued success of DCC means that we have increased interest from sponsors and players from further afield. Therefore we need to make sure the facilities are representable to continue this.

As we have two cricket grounds to attend to. We have decided to split the working parties up. Can you all meet at 10am at Pixham Sports ground and Andrew Halliday will lead a group for Westhumble and I will ensure Pixham is organised . There are lists of jobs to complete for each ground which we will distribute.

It is essential that these jobs are complete prior to the season.

After the work, the bar will be open and hot food will be served as well.

Further reading
This is a past event