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Reciprocal Membership

Membership Details - Reciprocal Rights – Dorking Cricket Club (DCC) & Dorkinian Football Club (DFC) (each a Club, together the Clubs)

  1. any individual who is a paid up Senior playing member of either Club, shall automatically become a non-playing social member of the other Club for that season that immediately follows the conclusion of the paid-for season.
  2. social membership (costing £20) entitles an individual to membership of the Clubhouse for the calendar year (with such membership commencing on the date of payment and expiring on the day falling one calendar year after such payment). A social member can elect to direct his membership payment to either Club upon taking membership and consequently becomes bound by that Club’s membership rules.
  3. any DCC Senior member shall be entitled to up to 5 games of football for DFC for a discounted discretionary playing membership of £25, payable to DFC (excluding any match fees due on the day). If that individual plays a 6th game, then a full membership of £50 (being £75 less £25) shall become due to DFC. Any DFC Senior member shall be entitled to up to 5 games of cricket for DCC for a discounted discretionary playing membership of £25, payable to DCC (excluding any match fees due on the day). If that individual plays a 6th game, then a full membership of £100 (being £125 less £25) shall become due to DCC (excluding any match fees).
  4. any individual that becomes a member of either Club as a result of option 1, 2 or 3 above, shall become a non-voting member of that Club. If an individual elects to become a fully paid up playing member of either Club as envisaged by option 3 above, they will become a voting member of that Club in the ordinary course.